Friday, February 19, 2010

My Best Friends Wedding to My Best Friends baby...

I am absolutely beside myself excited right now. My Best friend is expecting her first child! I got this sweet picture today from her.
I'm in love with him/her already! I am almost, if not just as much as excited as I was when I was pregnant with my two sweethearts. MiMi and I have been best friends since diapers and our mothers are also best friends. She was with me through both my pregnancy's and births of both my children. And I can NOT wait to do the same for her! Oh the fun of planning  baby shower's and decorating baby rooms! 

Oh the stories I could tell of the memories I have of our friendship. From  digging up worms as little girls (yes we were def. tom boys!) to dressing up our kittens in babydoll clothes in 100* weather (those poor kitties) to our wedding days to her sneaking me a Reese's cup when I was on strict orders from the Doc.and Hubs not to eat anything during labor (and yes,  I threw it up when it came time to push) ...but it was worth it, to enjoy that one minute of chocolate bliss . I could go on and on. I treasure our friendship so,  It is a true blessing to have a friend for such a long time. She is a Gem.
Oh the best is yet to come! I can not wait to meet her little Miracle.

...there is no other GOD who is able to deliver like this.

Daniel 3:29

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beyond the Lens

I finally decided on a name for my Photography....
 ~Beyond the Lens~
I absolutely LOVE it. Trying to come up with a name was a lot harder that I thought it would be!
so far I have:
-maternity session in March
- 2 year old session (not sure the exact date yet)
- maternity session in June
-maternity session in August
- wedding in October.
-and possibly a wedding in July

So far I have learned A LOT from the photography class that I'm taking, most importantly I am learning tons of things about my camera. Getting a great picture  isn't just about going out buying a nice SLR camera and going out and pressing the shutter button. It is truly about knowing your camera and then using your creativity to capture moments that make you go WOW!

hopefully, when we get moved into the house and settled in I will be able to start up a blog for my photography. We have 2 weeks to get rooms painted and all our things moved into the new house AND get the house we are currently in cleaned up. I have been ready to do all this for 3 weeks now BUT the lady that is selling us the house had a huge indoor yard sale 2 weeks ago and is still trying to get it all cleaned out so we can begin working on getting rooms painted and all that jazz. The weather put a damper on her getting the rest of the stuff out this past weekend. I'm trying to be patient, I really am! It's looking like we will be having to rush to get everything done. But I guess it will all be worth it when the day comes that we are all moved into our own house. WOW that sounds weird  =o)

The good thing is she has to have everything out this week because the Hubs is supposed to be picking up our new furniture this weekend and moving it in.

On another note ♪♫
We got 4'' of snow in our small town, so I will leave you a few pictures =o)
Hope you all are having a most lovely week!

Reese was taking it all in...She LOVED the snow.

Garrett Loved the snow too...He loved eating it...especially eating the snowman lol ( don't hate on the snowman lol...Garrett and his Nanny worked hard on their worm snowman :) )


And we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love Him...

Romans 8:28

Thursday, February 11, 2010

LoOoOoOove is in the air...

Sunday is Valentines day! We have no big plans for it, so we will most likely just be spending time together as a family. We will be heading to Winter Jam Saturday (Tons of Christian bands playing at the same place and it's only $10!!! )  and one of my FAV bands, Fireflight is going to be there woop woop! Can't wait!! our date night will have to wait a while since this weekend is jam packed.

I went and picked up my Sweets (what I call my hubs) Valentine gift at lunch and I just know I wont be able to wait till Sunday to give it to him. I'm TERRIBLE at surprises, especially when it comes to gifts for the hubs.

You remember the tattoo gift card I so greatly kept a secret for 3 weeks....yea, it only lasted 3 weeks. I ended up giving my hubs his birthday present for Christmas lol. BTW here is a pick of what he got done with that gift card
He got the first little bit of music from the song we danced to on our wedding day on
his upper arm. He is working on getting a full sleeve. He only has a little bit to go.

aaaaaaaaaaaanyways....back to the gift, I got him an awesome pair of silver-ish colored drum sticks. Similar to these:

I hope you all have a GREAT Valentines day and spend it with the ones you love! I will leave you with a picture of  the very first Valentines gift I ever got from the Hubs when we were dating....It was so so sweet and thoughtful.

I LOVE  I mean really LOVE sugar cookies! He made this sweet homemade heart sugar cookie flower arrangement for me =o) with a homemade card (the picture is not good quality...The picture was saved on my photo bucket from a loooooong time ago and had gotten re sized  really small so I couldn't blow it up without it being fuzzy. But you get the jist of it =o)

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. 
Song of Solomon 8:6

Monday, February 8, 2010


Mmmkay, so you know those bad dreams you have where you get up go to your job or school only to realize you forgot to put on a shirt , bra or something horrifying like that?!?!  Yep you guessed it, it became a reality for me today. I get up this morning, excited that I would actually get the kids up and ready and out the door on time. Get to work, excited to actually be on time for once. (thank you LORD for a boss who understands) and go about my morning work... 

About an hour into work I realize that I'm feeling rather free in the bust area....I'm, there is no way this is possible...and then it hits me....I really have NO bra on!!! Good thing I threw a big hoodie on this morning. and It's a good thing I didn't get blessed with an over abundance of boobage like every other woman in my family. Ahhhhhhh to love em!

A cheerful heart is good medicine...
Proverbs 17:22

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How he Loves....

There is this song, and every time I hear it or every time we play it on Sunday mornings I am overcome with emotions and tears. Why me? I'm so unworthy of His love His mercy His grace. But He still loves me. Even after all the times I fail Him...let Him down and put Him on the back burner. He still Loves me.  And it's no ordinary Love, it's a deep unexplainable Love ...And He loves you too! So much that He died for you! The words to this song are so deep and so real and I pray that if you read this and you don't know the Love of God that you will today...

He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane
I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy
When all of a sudden
I am unaware of these
Afflictions eclipsed by glory
And I realize just how beautiful you are and
How great Your affections are for me

And Oh, How He loves us so
Oh, How He loves us
How He loves us so

He loves us
Whoa, How He loves us
Whoa, How He loves us
Whoa, How He loves
Yeah He loves us

We are His portion and
He is our prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If grace is an ocean we're all sinking
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss
And my heart turns violently in side of my chest,
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about the way

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Name Game

Tonight is my first Photography class! I'm super excited! I'm also awaiting a new lens that I ordered this weekend that I can't wait to get my hands. I have lots of room for improvement and lots of learning to do! Can't wait!

SoOoOo, I need all my fellow blogger's help in picking out a name for my new, we will just call it my photography hobby for now. I don't like calling it a business, it is just something that I LOVE doing and I don't plan to make a living off of it (though it would be nice in the future). I'm using my name right now because I haven't decided on a official "name" ...I want something unique...So, here are a few that I have come up with tell me your thoughts and opinions!

* Unforgettable Moments  or Maybe just Unforgettable
* Life's Moments
* Life's Stories
* Life in Focus

Moses said to God, "Suppose I go to the Israelites...and they ask me, 'What is his name?'
God said to Moses, "I am who I am."
Exodus 3:13-14