Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dear Dreaded Laundry

We've known one another for a while.
We have this love-hate relationship. You know this as well as I do.
Years ago I could handle you. Now, with the kids and a hubby, it has just become too much. Some days more than I can bear.
We must come to an understanding of some sort. An agreement.
Real quick-like? Before I lose my mind preferably.
Well, before I lose what is left of my mind.

Not everything about you is bad.
I love the way you smell. I really do.
When drying is done you are so warm and so yummy. I could sniff you all day long.
Actually, I would like a candle that smells like you. But that is another post for another day.

But, this my friend, is where our love affair ends.
You exhaust me.
You overwhelm me.
You consume my time.
You never seem to end.
Over night, you multiply- without warning.
The bins of your filth runneth over- now on the floor and I am forced to step over you.
Sometimes, I fall over you.
You're needy- the sorting, the prepping, the washing, the drying, the folding, the hanging... the stacks.

Finally I put you away.
I start to feel accomplished.
I can mark you off my list.
Then, oh look, there you are again.
Didn't I just put you away?
What are you doing back in the laundry room?
And you?
and you, too?
Did someone really wear you?
AGAIN? Seriously?
You have a mind of your own.
You must be related to a man, because you leave me perplexed and I do not understand your kind.

Here is my solution....
Can't we just Jetson-ize you?
Honestly? To save my sanity?

I know you want me to be happy.
Just think about it.
We are not getting rid of you- just modifying you.
Entertain the idea, would ya?
I have given you the solution, now you come up with the step by step plan.
Keep in mind I am a woman- I need details.
Sooner is better than later.
I'll be waiting.....


A cheerful heart is good medicine...
Proverbs 17:22

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote about this very thing the other day on my blog. I love your poem about it! Thanks for sharing!
